Equipping U Spring 2025 Classes


  • Biblical Worldview of Race & Culture
  • The Blessing of a Blended Family
  • The Book of Nehemiah
  • Table Talk: Back to the Basics


  • New Believer's Class
  • The Forgotten Five
  • Praying Through Difficult Seasons
  • Equipping Parents: Tough Conversations with your Kids & Teens


  • Biblical Worldview of Race & Culture
  • The Blessing of a Blended Family
  • The Book of Nehemiah
  • Table Talk: Back to the Basics


  • The Forgotten Five
  • Praying Through Difficult Seasons
  • Equipping Parents: Tough Conversations with your Kids & Teens

Class Descriptions

Biblical Worldview of Race & Culture
Pastor Aundre Washington

This class will help to shift our perspective to see race and culture the way that God sees race and culture. Moreover, this class aims to equip God's people to faithfully engage a racialized society.

The Forgotten Five
Pastor Aaron Moore

This is a dynamic five-week study that unpacks the rich theological truths found in the Bible’s shortest books—Obadiah (God’s Justice), Philemon (Gospel Reconciliation), 2 John (Walking in Truth and Love), 3 John (Faithfulness in Ministry), and Jude (Contending for the Faith). Each session will provide an in-depth exposition of these often-overlooked books, revealing their relevance for our faith today. Join us as we journey through five entire books in just five weeks, deepening our understanding of God’s Word and its impact on our lives.

The Blessing of a Blended Family
Pastor Jeremy Williams

Finding the blessing in blended families at times might be trying, however; God has been in the “blending” business for a time past, currently and for a time to come. Join us as we journey to unearth His plan for navigating the perplexities of relationships.

Praying Through Difficult Seasons
Minister Carla Dillard

This class is an up close and personal look into the lives of men and women in the bible who were in different seasons of their lives and because of specific circumstances they offered to God fervent prayers showing us how God will use different seasons of our lives to compel us to cry out to Him for what we need.

Book of Nehemiah
Pastor Joy Brown

This class explores the book of Nehemiah through the lens of faith, strategy, and prayer in the face of opposition. We will also gain insight into how Nehemiah’s leadership principles apply to ministry, work, and our personal life today.

Equipping Parents: Difficult Conversations with your Kids & Teens
Pastor Kim Briggs

This class is designed to help parents approach the tough conversations with your kids and teens at every stage of their development. Whether you're discussing faith, sex, behavior challenges, or technology safety, we’ll equip you with tools rooted in biblical principles to navigate these conversations with confidence. You'll also gain insights into your child’s development from infancy to adulthood while gaining key scriptures and faith-based principles to assist in both spiritual and practical advice for parenting in a Christ-centered way.

Table Talk: Back To The Basics
Quintin Harris

If you've been a Christians for years, or recently accepted Christ, this class will help reaffirm or create a great FAITH foundation for you. We'll dive into what we believe, why we believe it, and who God says we are in Him.

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